Morphometry and Ultrastructure of the Squirrel Monkey (Saimii sciureus)Vestibular Nerve

Vestibular nerves of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) embedded in plastics and epoxies were examined with light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and computerized measures were obtained and analyzed statistically. An average of 12,412 perikarya and 12,005 myelinated nerve fibers was obtained. Approximately 0.7% of the perikarya appeared unmyelinated under LM. About 500 unmyelinated fibers were counted. The cross-sectional area of 1,864 perikarya was 200–650 µm2. The cross-sectional area of 1,346 nerve fibers was 3–11 µm2 for the axoplasm and 11–12 µm2 for the myelin sheath of the same fiber. Myelin thickness was directly proportional to the axoplasm cross-sectional area of the nerve fibers. The cross-sectional area of central axons and peripheral dendrites differed significantly (p < 0.001). The initial segments of peripheral dendrites were usually smaller, but longer than the initial segments of the central axons. Both initial segments increased in diameter after the first node of Ran-vier. Schmidt-Lantermann incisures were more abundant in thick and heavily myelinated fibers than in thin and lightly myelinated fibers. Larger perikarya usually had larger fibers and vice versa, within the first 100–200 µm from the first node of Ranvier. No major ultrastructural differences were found between myelinated and unmyelinated perikarya, except at the hillock region.The Nissl substance was preferentially located in the peripheral cytoplasm.