A cell strain of Haplopappus gracills was used for investigations of the effects of UV (2537 A) and X‐ray irradiation.Mitotic inhibition and killing after UV exposure were studied. A survival curve of UV treated and then plated cells is presented. The LD50 seems to be about 2000 erg. mm−2 under the experimental conditions used. All types of chromosome aberrations are induced by UV irradiation, but the frequency is relatively low at doses which do not completely inhibit cell division.A mutant strain of chromosome type is isolated after UV treatment and then plating.Mitotic inhibition and killing after X‐ray treatment were studied. A survival curve is presented and the LD50 under the culture conditions used seems to be about 2000 R.The frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by X‐rays is highly increased by aeration during X‐ray treatment which indicates that some degree of cell anoxia exists in a cell suspension.There arr indications that chromosome aherrations may not cause growth inhibition to such an extent as is usually believed.