Calculations of a total energy function are used to describe a theory of hysteresis effects in crystalline, ferromagnetic materials. This model is applied on the cubic structure of FeSi crystals, which are oriented in a (110)[001] texture. The magnetic energy of the crystal is separated in reversible and irreversible parts: The reversible energy is expressed by magnetocrystalline anisotropy and shape anisotropy. They are responsible for the rotation of the domain magnetization at strong fields. At weak fields the reversible interaction of the domain wall motion with the stray fields of pinning centers (nonmagnetic inclusions, grain boundaries or inner strains) is described by a probability function of statistic domain behavior. The irreversible energy is caused by these pinning centers, too, and can be explained by the interaction losses of the magnetic moments in the Bloch wall with the crystal lattice during an irreversible Barkhausen jump. The energy of the applied field is added to these two parts and the magnetic state of the material is represented by the minima of the total energy function. The results show all features of hysteresis such as initial magnetization curve and major and minor hysteresis loops in good agreement with measurements on grain oriented 3,5% silicon-steel with Goss texture.