High Stability Multiparametric Modular Circuitry used in the Experiments at the Saclay's Cyclotron

Advent of the small semiconductor detector makes easier complex multiparametric experiments which may include a great number of detectors to provide precise information on location and energy of particles. Such complex systems pose special requirements for reliable, flexible and high performance electronics. A set of modular circuits has been designed for use at the Saclay cyclotron which may be assembled easily for either simple or complex experiments. The following modular and sub-modular circuits are described: (1) charge-sensitive preamplifier module, (2) highly stable gain, low noise, 15 nsec minimum rise time charge-sensitive preamplifier submodule, (3) preamplifier-associated discriminator module, (4) 4-input, low noise, stable, low level linear mixer, (5) low level discriminator to be driven directly from the above preamplifiers, (6) precision, semi-fast high level discriminator, (7) 3-input, highly stable gain, gated linear amplifier with precision, continuously adjustable gain, (8) 4-input, high level linear mixer and biased post amplifier, (9) automatic testing system. The modules are described and the application of the modular system is illustrated in connection with nuclear spectroscopy experiments employing /g=a//g=a/'-scattering.