Sensitivity of selected geomagnetic properties to truncation level of spherical harmonic expansions

A two day selection of MAGSAT data is fit by spherical harmonic series truncated at increasing levels NF in the range 2FF≲n+4 decreasing rapidly in magnitude to a few nanotesla as n increases to about 6.Several geomagnetic properties are then examined by evaluating them at various truncation levels N with NF fixed and NF. The spectrum of magnetic energy (outside the core and outside the earth) as determined by the NF=23 MAGSAT model MGST 1/81 is evaluated. It suggests that the crustal anomaly contribution to magnetic energy outside the core will not exceed 0.1%, when the expansion is truncated at N=8. The positions of certain contours of the geomagnetic elements on the core‐mantle boundary and their intersections needed for magnetic determination of the core motions, are examined and found to be relatively stable when N changes from 7 to 8, but to exhibit greater sensitivity for both larger and smaller values of N.This article contains supplementary material.

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