The ion exchange potential of antimonic acid and silica gel ‘G’ has been explored in thin layer chromatographic studies for the separation of anions. Several important and difficult binary separations of anions have been achieved as a result of these studies. Io 3-Bro 3, I-Io 3, Io 4-Io 3, Io 4-Po−- 4, Br-Bro 3, Aso−- 4-Cro−- 4, S2o−- 3-Po−- 4, CNS-S2o−- 3, Io 4-Cro−- 4, Bro 3-Cro−- 4, Io 3-Cr2o−- 7 and s2o3-Cro−- 4 etc. are separations of analytical interest. Besides, a rapid microgram determination of [Fe(CN)6]3− (1–10 μg) and Cr2o2- 7 (2–10 μg) ions have been made.