Asthma deaths; persistent and preventable mortality

Bronchial asthma remains a significant cause of mortality at all ages, despite the increased understanding of its pathogenesis and the range of drugs available for its treatment. Changes in therapeutic management can influence death rates and constant surveillance, combined with high‐quality post mortem investigations, is essential. Disease severity, poor disease management and adverse psychosocial circumstances are all risk factors for asthma mortality. Bronchial asthma causes characteristic histological changes in the mucosa of the airways which are present even before the clinical diagnosis of asthma can be made. These include fibrous thickening of the lamina reticularis of the epithelial basement membrane, smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia, increased mucosal vascularity and an eosinophil‐rich inflammatory cell infiltrate. In addition, mucoid plugging of the airway lumen is frequently associated with fatal asthma. The recognition of these changes can allow the diagnosis of asthma to be made for the first time at autopsy, in those cases where asthma goes undiagnosed in life. Acute severe asthma may be accompanied by pneumothorax and surgical emphysema of the mediastinum. Disorders which may mimic asthma include pulmonary embolism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and anaphylaxis, but careful post mortem examination and appropriate investigations should reveal the true cause of death.