An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of restricted feeding under two lighting systems during the rearing period on the initial laying performance of broiler type pullets. The rearing treatments were imposed at nine weeks of age, removed at 22 weeks and the trial was discontinued at 36 weeks of age. The feeding treatments (restricted versus ad lib.) were arranged factorially with the lighting treatments (decreasing versus increasing). Birds reared on restricted feeding reached sexual maturity 16 days later than full fed birds, ate 17 per cent less feed to 22 weeks and gained seven per cent less in body weight to 24 weeks of age and ten per cent less to 36 weeks. Birds reared under the decreasing lighting regime reached sexual maturity at the same age as those reared under increasing lighting, ate five per cent more feed during the rearing and laying periods and gained five per cent more in body weight to 24 weeks. The mean weight of eggs laid between 24 and 34 weeks of age from pullets subjected concurrently to decreasing lighting and restricted feeding was approximately two grams heavier than that of the other three treatment combinations. Mean egg weight was one gram greater in the restricted than in the full fed group, although the difference was not statistically significant. Laying mortality was lower in the restricted fed group than in the full fed group.

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