The application of correlated sampling to the computation of electron beam dose distributions in heterogeneous phantoms using the Monte Carlo method

Although the Monte Carlo method is capable of computing the dose distribution in heterogeneous phantoms directly, there are some advantages to computing a heterogeneity correction factor. If this approach is adopted there are savings in time using correlated sampling. This technique forces histories to have the same energy, position, direction and random number seed as incident on both the heterogeneous and homogeneous water phantom. This ensures that a history that has, by chance, travelled through only water in the heterogeneous phantom will have the same path as it would have through the homogeneous phantom, resulting in a reduced variance when a ratio of heterogeneous dose to homogeneous dose is formed. Metrics to describe the distributions of uncertainty, efficiency, and degree of correlation are defined. EGS4 Monte Carlo calculation of the dose distribution from a 20 MeV electron beam on water phantoms containing aluminium or air slab heterogeneities illustrate that this technique is the most efficient when the heterogeneity is deep within the phantom, but that improved efficiency can be realized even when the heterogeneity is at or near the surface. This is because some correlation between the two histories is retained despite passage through the heterogeneity.