Patterns ofMycoplasma hyopneumoniaeInfections in Belgian Farrow‐to‐Finish Pig Herds with Diverging Disease‐Course

Summary: Patterns ofMycoplasma hyopneumoniae(Mh) infections were investigated in five clinically infected herds and in five herds subclinically infected with Mh. In the clinically infected herds, housing and management conditions were good whereas these conditions were poor in the subclinically infected herds. In each herd, serum antibodies against Mh were detected in pigs of different ages and nasal swabs were taken for Mh detection using nested PCR (nPCR). The percentage of seropositive pigs in the clinically infected herds increased from 8% in pigs of 9 weeks to 52% in pigs of 18 weeks and seroconversion was most shown between 12 and 15 weeks. In the subclinically infected herds, the percentages increased from 2 to 24% and most of the pigs became seropositive between 15 and 18 weeks. The percentage of nPCR positive pigs at 6 weeks was 16 and 0% in the clinically and subclinically infected herds, respectively. The results demonstrate that the seroprevalences were higher in the clinically infected herds and that most of the pigs became infected with Mh at a younger age. It can be concluded that additional factors different from housing and management, like differences among Mh strains, may determine the infection pattern of Mh and the clinical course of the infection.

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