Molecular mechanisms of manganese mutagenesis.

The mechanism by which DNA polymerase discriminates between complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides for insertion into a primer terminus was investigated. Apparent kinetic constants for the insertion of dGTP and dATP into the hook polymer d(C)194-d(G)12 with Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (large fragment) were determined. The high specificity of base selection by DNA polymerase I is probably, achieved by utilization of both Km and Vmax differences between complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides. The molecular basis for the increased error frequency observed with DNA polymerase I in the presence of Mn2+ was also investigated. When Mn2+ is substituted for Mg2+, there is a higher ratio of insertion of incorrect to correct dNTP (deoxynucleoside triphosphates) by the polymerase activity, accompanied by a decreased hydrolysis of a mismatched dNMP relative to a matched dNMP at the primer terminus by the 3'', 5'' exonuclease activity. Kinetic analysis revealed that in the presence of Mn2+, the kcat for insertion of a complementary dNTP is reduced, whereas the catalytic rate for the insertion of a mismatched nucleotide is increased. The apparent Km values for either complementary or noncomplementary nucleotide substrates are not significantly altered when Mg2+ is replaced by Mn2+. The rate of hydrolysis of a mismatched dNMP at the primer terminus is greater in the presence of Mg2+ vs. Mn2+, whereas the rate of hydrolysis of a properly base-paired terminal nucleotide is greater in Mn2+ vs. Mg2+. Both the accuracy of base selection by the polymerase activity and the specificity of hydrolysis by the 3'', 5'' exonuclease activity are altered by the substitution of Mn2+ for Mg2+.