This investigation demonstrates how the total, concentration distribution of antimony, previously implanted into silicon at 100 keV, may be elucidated without recourse to the usual radioactive isotope techniques. It uses the fact that 100 keV Kr+ ions can preferentially excite characteristic X-rays from antimony, even in the presence of a huge excess of silicon. The resultant high sensitivity for the detection of antimony in silicon is accompanied by the fact that the X-rays arise predominantly from less than one hundred Angstroms below the surface of the specimen. Thus bombardment by 100 keV Kr+ íons is used ín conjunction with an anodic stripping technique (which removes 169±20 Å at a time) to obtain the antimony distribution profile in silicon. Consideration is also given to the possibility of obtaining the implanted antimony range distribution by using 100 keV Kr+ ions to detect the antimony and simultaneously remove silicon by sputtering.