Biosynthesis of chloramphenicol. Studies on the origin of the dichloroacetyl moiety

Chloramphenicol produced by cultures of Streptomyces species 3022a supplemented with sodium [1,2-13C]acetate was labelled with 13C exclusively in the dichloromethine (2.6 ± 0.1%) and carbonyl (0.59 ± 0.05%) carbon atoms. Satellite signals from 13C–13C coupling between covalently bonded 13C-enriched carbon atoms were too intense to be attributed to random combination of labelled atoms at the average enrichments measured, but their intensity relative to those of the signals for uncoupled 13C atoms indicated that most of the precursor had been incorporated after 13C–13C bond fission. Since [2,3-13C]succinic acid enriched only the carbonyl carbon atom of chloramphenicol, these results suggest that neither acetate nor a Krebs cycle intermediate is a direct precursor of the dichloroacetyl group. Cultures supplemented with [2-3H]-or [2H2]-dichloroacetic acid incorporated negligible amounts of isotope into the antibiotic; on this evidence, the free acid is not an intermediate in chloramphenicol biosynthesis and the acylation step may precede chlorination.