Decay Properties of Neutron-Deficient Osmium and Rhenium Isotopes. II. TheA=180Decay Chain

The decay properties of Os180 and Re180 have been investigated using Ge(Li), anthracene, and NaI(Tl) detectors in singles and coincidence measurements. A solvent extraction method for rapid milking of daughter rhenium activities from osmium was used to confirm the genetic relationship between 21.5-min Os180 and 2.45-min Re180. No radiations other than K x rays were detected in Os180 decay and it is concluded that this isotope decays by electron capture with a logft value in the range 4.7±0.3 In Re180 decay the following radiations were identified: K x rays (105), γ rays of energies 103.6±0.3 (26), 232.6±1.0 (1.2), 750.8±1.0 (0.8), 826.4±0.8 (11), and 902.2±0.5 keV (100), and a single positron group of endpoint 1.76±0.4 MeV (8). Relative intensities are given in parentheses. A Re180 decay scheme which is consistent with all the observations, including γγ coincidence measurements, is proposed; its most interesting feature is a two-quasi-particle state (Jπ=2) at 1006 keV, which de-excites almost exclusively to the first excited state of W180. The disintegration energy of Re180 was determined to be 3.78±0.04 MeV.