Identification of the sid outer membrane receptor protein in Salmonella typhimurium SL1027

Summary A protein of molecular weight 78,000 daltons, missing in albomycin and phage ES18 resistant mutants, has been identified in the outer membrane of Salmonella typhimurium SL1027. Mutants with a tonB like resistance and overproduction of outer membrane proteins due to iron shortage were also isolated. The mutation which leads to the protein deficiency maps in the sid gene region, the mutation related to overproduction of proteins maps near trp. Although the S. typhimurium and the E. coli protein mediate translocation of the iron complex ferrichrome and the structurally analogous antibiotic albomycin through the outer membrane no cross-reactivity exists in binding the phages T5, T1 and ES18 or colicin M.