web-based interactive data processing: application to stable isotope metrology

To address a fundamental need in stable isotope metrology, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has established a web-based interactive data-processing system accessible through a common gateway interface (CGI) program on the internet site http://www. nist.gov/widps-co2. This is the first application of a web-based tool that improves the measurement traceability afforded by a series of NIST standard materials. Specifically, this tool promotes the proper usage of isotope reference materials (RMs) and improves the quality of reported data from extensive measurement networks. Through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), we have defined standard procedures for stable isotope measurement and data-processing, and have determined and applied consistent reference values for selected NIST and IAEA isotope RMs. Measurement data of samples and RMs are entered into specified fields on the web-based form. These data are submitted through the CGI program on a NIST Web server, where appropriate calculations are performed and results returned to the client. Several international laboratories have independently verified the accuracy of the procedures and algorithm for measurements of naturally occurring carbon-13 and oxygen-18 abundances and slightly enriched compositions up to approximately 150% relative to natural abundances. To conserve the use of the NIST RMs, users may determine value assignments for a secondary standard to be used in routine analysis. Users may also wish to validate proprietary algorithms embedded in their laboratory instrumentation, or specify the values of fundamental variables that are usually fixed in reduction algorithms to see the effect on the calculations. The results returned from the web-based tool are limited in quality only by the measurements themselves, and further value may be realized through the normalization function. When combined with stringent measurement protocols, two- to threefold improvements have been realized in the reproducibility of carbon-13 and oxygen-18 determinations across laboratories.

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