Fragment production fromp+Ag interactions at intermediate energies

Energy spectra and angular distributions have been measured for isotopically separated Li and Be and elementally separated B to Na fragments produced in reactions of 210, 300, and 480 MeV protons with Ag. These data are analyzed in terms of evaporative and nonevaporative processes. A two-parameter self-consistent evaporation calculation, normalized to He4 emission, indicates a major fraction of the cross section to be nonevaporative. An analysis of the data in terms of rapidity and relativistically invariant cross section substantiates this finding. The evaporative component is weakly forward peaked and is a strongly varying function of which isotope of a given element is considered; the nonevaporative component is strongly forward peaked but varies more slowly as a function of fragment mass. Both components show behavior indicative of Coulomb barrier effects appropriate to emission from nuclides near the target. Energy integrated and total cross sections are calculated.