Improved media for normal human muscle satellite cells: Serum-free clonal growth and enhanced growth with low serum

We have developed a serum-free medium for clonal growth of normal human muscle satellite cells (HMSC). It consists of an optimized nutrient medium MCDB 120, plus a serum-free supplement, designated SF, that contains epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin, dexamethasone, bovine serum albumin, and fetuin. Fibroblast growth factor was needed with dialyzed fetal bovine serum (dFBS) as the only other supplement, but in media containing SF, it was only slightly beneficial, and was omitted from the final medium without significant loss. Clonal growth of HMSC in MCDB 120 plus SF is as good as with 15% serum and 0.5% chicken embryo or bovine pituitary extract. However, growth is further improved by use of a doubly-supplemented (DS) medium containing both SF and 5% dFBS. Clonal growth of HMSC in the DS medium far exceeds that in previous media with any amount of serum, and monolayer growth is at least equal to that in conventional media with higher levels of serum. Cells grown in these media exhibit little differentiation, even when grown to high densities. However, they retain the capacity for extensive fusion and synthesis of increased creatine kinase when transferred to a serum-free differentiation-promoting medium, such as Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium plus insulin. All experiments were done with clonal cultures of HMSC to insure that observed growth responses were always those of muscle cells.