1. In general there is a correlation between the life-history of Gonospora arenicolae and the sexual cycle of its host, Arenicola ecaudata, similar to that between G. varia and Audouinia tentaculata.2. In the species under consideration the correlation is not so definite and the life-history of a generation of parasites does not necessarily coincide with a sexual cycle of the host. This is complicated by the double annual spawning of the host.3. The formation of sporocysts is simultaneous with the sexual maturity of the worm.4. It is suggested that, as in Audouinia, a secretion produced by the gonads stimulates the development of the gregarine.5. The ejection of the sporocysts with the gametes was observed.6. It is suggested that phagocytosis may be the cause of the rupture of the gametocysts in this species.