High-Protein, Low-Fat Diets Are Effective for Weight Loss and Favorably Alter Biomarkers in Healthy Adults

Although popular and effective for weight loss, low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat (Atkins) diets have been associated with adverse changes in blood and renal biomarkers. High-protein diets low in fat may represent an equally appealing diet plan but promote a more healthful weight loss. Healthy adults (n = 20) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 low-fat (P < 0.05) and fat mass (−9 to −11%, P < 0.05); however, subjects consuming the high-protein diet reported more satisfaction and less hunger in mo 1 of the trial. Both diets significantly lowered total cholesterol (−10 to –12%), insulin (−25%), and uric acid (−22 to –30%) concentrations in blood from fasting subjects. Urinary calcium excretion increased 42% in subjects consuming the high-protein diet, mirroring the 50% increase in dietary calcium with consumption of this diet; thus, apparent calcium balance was not adversely affected. Creatinine clearance was not altered by diet treatments, and nitrogen balance was more positive in subjects consuming the high-protein diet vs. the high-carbohydrate diet (3.9 ± 1.4 and 0.7 ± 1.7 g N/d, respectively, P < 0.05). Thus, low-fat, energy-restricted diets of varying protein content (15 or 30% energy) promoted healthful weight loss, but diet satisfaction was greater in those consuming the high-protein diet.