Theory of intermodulation in a superconducting microstrip resonator

The penetration depth and surface resistance of a superconductor depend upon the superfluid current density. This dependence gives rise to nonlinear mixing in a superconducting microstrip resonator. Here we discuss the problem of intermodulation in which two signals at ω1 and ω2 , laying within the pass band of a microstrip cavity resonance, mix and generate a signal at 1−ω2 . An expression relating the power generated at 1−ω2 to the power transmitted at ω1 and ω2 is given. We focus on the high-Tc superconductors where it is believed that the order parameter has dx2−y2 symmetry. We find for a resonator with a large unloaded Q that intermodulation arises dominantly from the reactive nonlinear inductance of the superconducting film.