The medicinal plants used for the treatments of skin diseases and related problems in Northeastern India were reviewed based on the ethnobotanic reports. Of the 275 plant species examined, 224 species have been used for treatment of specific human ailments such as allergies, burns, cuts and wounds, inflammation, leprosy, leucoderma, scabies, smallpox and sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the plant species, including Artemisia nilagirica (CI) Pamp., Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br., Cannabis sativa L., Cassia alata L., C. fistula L., Centella asiatica L., Cyclea pellata Hk., Datura metal L., Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Roam & Schult., Jatropha aureus L., Litsea cubeba Pers., Mimosa pudica L., Plantago major L. and Plumeria acutifolia Ait, are used among a range of ethnic groups for disease treatment.