H-Y antigen expression in a case of mixed gonadal dysgenesis

H-Y antigen expression was studied on leukocytes and gonad-derived fibroblasts from a patient affected by mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Blood leukocytes and fibroblasts derived from the testis were typed H-Y positive, but the fibroblasts derived from the streak gonad were H-Y negative. Although the patient's karyotype was a mosaic, 45,XO/46,X+mar, as detected in-peripheral blood cells and testis-derived fibroblasts, all the fibroblasts derived from the streak gonad were 45,XO. These data suggests that the marker chromosome was in fact a Y-derived chromosome. Moreover, they showed that, at the gonadal level, a minority of H-Y positive 46,X+mar cells were able to organize a testis. Nevertheless, a large number of XO cells probably did not receive the testicular forming influence of the H-Y antigen and of the other masculinizing factors.