The normal range of factor VIII coagulant activity (derived from log potency ratio) in some sections of the Nigerian population has been established at 0.65–5.55 iu/ml with a geometric mean of 1.90 iu/ml. This was determined against an acceptable standard (MRC Human 68/413 with activity 0.66 iu/ml). The distribution of the potency ratio was log normal. The level was not affected by age or an abnormal haemoglobin (Hb A + S or A + C). The mean activity in females was significantly higher than the mean value in male subjects. With the use of a stable standard, our results show that the conclusions of some previous studies in respect of some of the parameters such as population distribution but which did not use a recognized standard, were valid. Within the age limits of our subjects, age did not affect the population level of factor VIII coagulant activity.