Uncoupling of Oxidative Phosphorylation by Ultrafiltrates Of Uremic Serum

Ultrafiltrates of human uremic serum, at concentrations at which ultrafiltrates of normal sera had no effect, uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation of isolated rat liver mitochondria utilizing NADH linked substrates. No difference between normal and uremic sera was noted utilizing succinate or ascorbate as substrate. Studies with rotenone and vitamin K3 ruled out the possibility of an electron shunt around the phosphorylative site between NADH and cytochrome b and it was concluded uncoupling was only occuring at this phos-phorylation site (between NADH and cytochrome b) of the 3 possible sites. The uncoupling material is cationic at pH 8. 0 and soluble in acidic ether.