Ganglioside Composition in Human Meningiomas

The ganglioside composition in meningioma specimens from 20 patients was analyzed to find potential meningioma-associated structures. The characterization was performed by immunological staining with specific monoclonal antibodies to ganglioside antigens and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry. The major gangliosides were GM3 and GD3, and most of the meningioma specimens could be divided into a "GM3-rich" or a "GD3-rich" group. Gangliosides of the gangliotetraose series were represented by GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b, which were found in minor amounts in all the specimens. The ratios of GM1/GD1a and GD1a/GD1b differed from that in normal brain, and therefore existence of this series could not be explained by contamination with brain material. Ganglioside 3''-isoLM1, found in human malignant glioma, could not be detected in any meningioma specimen.