The fossil Mammalia of Maragha, a village situated some distance due south of Tabriz, in north-western Persia, have formed the subject of several notices by German writers, foremost among whom are Messrs. Grewingk, Pohlig, and Rodler. As Dr. Pohlig, who has communicated a paper to the Society which will be read this evening, is, I believe, about to write a monograph on the Maragha Mammalia, I do not in any way wish to interfere with or unduly forestall his work; but since a collection of these remains has been sent to the British Museum by Mr. R. Damon, F.G.S., with a view to their being purchased by that institution, in which case it would fall to my lot to describe them in the Museum Catalogue, and since the specific determination of the Maragha Mammalia is a matter of considerable importance in relation to the western limits of the Siwalik fauna of India (the description of which I am just bringing to a conclusion), I have ventured to lay a few notes on the Maragha Mammals before the Society, and hope that my German confrères will regard them as an endeavour to assist, rather than to mar their work. Dr. Grewingk, in the paper cited, recorded the following forms, viz. :― Helladotherium, sp., Tragoceros , sp., Bison bonasus, Oervus elaphus, Equus caballus, E. onager, Hipparion, sp., Rhinoceros antiquitatis § R. sp., Elephas :primigenius , and Mastodon (?), sp. It was left an open question whether the existing and Pleistocene forms were contemporaries of the others;

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