Properties of Some Low Excited States inRu101from the Decay of 3-YrRh101

Some properties of low-lying excited states and corresponding transitions in Ru101 have been established by studying the decay of Rh101(T12=3.0 yr) using scintillation spectroscopy. The three gamma rays associated with this decay with energies in keV (intensities) are 128±3 (89±4), 197±3 (100), 320±10 (24±1). They de-excite levels at 128 and 325 keV. A half-life of 0.55±0.03 nsec was determined for the 128-keV level and a limit of ≤0.3 nsec was set for the 325-keV level using the delayed-coincidence method. The angular correlation between the 128- and 197-keV gamma rays was measured and the results fitted to the formula W(θ)=1+(0.183±0.025)P2(cosθ) or to W(θ)=1+(0.181±0.025)P2(cosθ)+(0.020±0.034)P4(cosθ). When these results are combined with Coulomb-excitation data, they yield an assignment of 32+ for the 128-keV level with a mixing ratio δ of 0.17±0.05 for the corresponding transition. Although a definitive spin assignment cannot be inferred for the 325-keV level, a spin ½+ seems the more probable, with δ=(0.15+0.120.19) for the 197-keV mixed transition.

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