A clinical construct validity study of a novel computerized battery for the diagnosis of ADHD in young adults

The cognitive profile of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains understudied despite difficulty in diagnosis. Further, no battery of neuropsychological tests has been shown valid in adult ADHD. Continuous performance tests are widely used for ADHD but provide limited information on cognitive functioning in general. The present study evaluated the construct and discriminant validity of Mindstreams® (NeuroTrax Corp., NY), a computerized battery assessing multiple cognitive domains. Twenty-nine young male adults with ADHD diagnosis completed a Mindstreams battery, including a multi-stage continuous performance (‘Expanded Go-NoGo’) test, and the Conners' CPT-II (Multi-Health Systems Inc., NY). Discriminant validity was assessed by comparisons with cognitively healthy controls of comparable age and education. Expanded Go-NoGo and corresponding CPT-II outcomes were significantly correlated in ADHD participants, and the Expanded Go-NoGo test exhibited excellent discriminant validity, with ADHD participants performing more poorly than controls. ADHD participants also performed more poorly on Stroop and Staged Information Processing Speed tests.