Repair of Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforations Using Applications of Hyaluronan or Rice Paper Prostheses

A controlled randomized study was performed in 60 patients with 64 chronic, dry tympanic membrane (TM) perforations. The perforations were randomly allocated to either resection of the perforation rim and instillation of 1 % hyaluronan (Healon®; HYA) in the perforation gap once daily for 7 days (33 ears) or resection of the perforation margin and application of a sterile rice paper prosthesis (31 ears). The treatment effect was documented by TM photography and morphometric measurements of the perforation area. The hearing was assessed with pure-tone and high-frequency audiometry. After 2 months, 5 of the HYA-treated perforations (15 %) and 4 of the rice-paper-treated TMs (13%) were healed. After 1 year, 18 perforations (9 in each treatment group) were healed. In neither group were there any persistent adverse effects on hearing. It is noteworthy that 28% (18/64) of the chronic, long-standing TM perforations could be repaired by these technically simple and time-saving methods. Both procedures should be considered as easy first-choice alternatives to myringoplasty in selected cases.

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