Determining the View of Chest Radiographs

Automatic identification of frontal (posteroanterior/anteroposterior) vs. lateral chest radiographs is an important preprocessing step in computer-assisted diagnosis, content-based image retrieval, as well as picture archiving and communication systems. Here, a new approach is presented. After the radiographs are reduced substantially in size, several distance measures are applied for nearest-neighbor classification. Leaving-one-out experiments were performed based on 1,867 radiographs from clinical routine. For comparison to existing approaches, subsets of 430 and 5 training images are also considered. The overall best correctness of 99.7% is obtained for feature images of 32 × 32 pixels, the tangent distance, and a 5-nearest-neighbor classification scheme. Applying the normalized cross correlation function, correctness yields still 99.6% and 99.3% for feature images of 32 × 32 and 8 × 8 pixel, respectively. Remaining errors are caused by image altering pathologies, metal artifacts, or other interferences with routine conditions. The proposed algorithm outperforms existing but sophisticated approaches and is easily implemented at the same time.