The ileoanal pouch: A risk-benefit analysis

This review assesses whether the risk of ileoanal pouch construction in patients with ulcerative colitis, compared with that of ‘less dangerous’ operations, is compensated by a better postoperative outcome. Even though the mortality rate is not greater for pouch construction, the risk of pelvic sepsis and pouchitis increase morbidity. Bowel function after construction of the ileal pouch, although better than that before operation, is not as good as that of normal controls and does not, in itself, justify increased morbidity. Quality of life measurements suggest that the benefit of the ileal pouch procedure is not much greater than that of ileostomy, even though some dimensions of quality of life are improved. However, most patients wish to avoid an ileostomy and surgeons should respect this wish, remembering that the pouch procedure has some risks and that the gain for the patient may be small.