This paper is based on material from two domiciliary care studies undertaken in Finland. The purpose of this paper is to clarify on one hand the patient factors which relate to dissatisfaction and insecurity and on the other hand the significance of dissatisfaction and insecurity in patient care. The data were collected by interviewing patients (Helsinki: 129, Espoo: 215), by devising a care plan in Espoo and directing a questionnaire to the domiciliary care providers (Helsinki: 202, Espoo: 64). About one in 10 of the patients was dissatisfied and insecure. Correlation between dissatisfaction and insecurity was high (Helsinki: r = 0.63***, Espoo: r = 0.53***). The dissatisfaction was associated more with external factors, which appeared as a behaviour perceived by others. The quality of human relationships in care was the main predicting factor of the variance of dissatisfaction. Insecurity again was linked more with internal factors. The main factor which predicted the variance of insecurity was the quality of human relationships in care but also the well-planned goal-oriented care. A dissatisfied patient who actually feels insecure, can be perceived as being unco-operative, non-compliant and unpopular by care providers.

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