Three-dimensional simulations of Nova high growth factor capsule implosion experiments

Capsule implosion experiments carried out on the Nova laser [E. M. Campbell et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57, 2101 (1986)] are simulated with the three‐dimensional H Y D R A radiation hydrodynamics code [NTIS Document No. DE‐96004569 (M. M. Marinak et al. in UCRL‐LR‐105821‐95‐3)]. Simulations of ordered, near single mode perturbations indicate that structures which evolve into round spikes can penetrate farthest into the hot spot. Bubble‐shaped perturbations can burn through the capsule shell fastest, in which case they cause even more damage. A simulation of a capsule with a multimode perturbation of moderate amplitude shows spike amplitudes evolving in good agreement with a saturation model during the deceleration phase. The presence of sizable low mode asymmetry, caused either by drive asymmetry or perturbations in the capsule shell, can dramatically affect the manner in which spikes approach the center of the hot spot. Three‐dimensional coupling between the low mode shell perturbations intrinsic to Nova capsules and the drive asymmetry is found to be important, bringing the simulated neutron yields into closer agreement with the experimental values.