Intelligence and Emotional/Behavioral Factors as Correlates of Achievement in Child Psychiatric Inpatients

This study investigated the extent to which IQ and emotional/behavioral factors were related to tested academic achievement in 56 child psychiatric inpatients. The first part of the study replicated and extended previous research; WISC—R IQs were highly correlated with tested achievement, Verbal IQs being more highly correlated with achievement than were Performance or Full Scale IQs. In the second part of the study which examined the relationship between the emotional/behavioral indices and achievement, only Trait Anxiety correlated significantly with achievement. However, after the relationship between Trait Anxiety and Verbal IQ was partialed out, the correlation between anxiety and achievement was no longer significant. These findings raise questions regarding the magnitude of the relationship between measures of emotional/behavioral status and tested academic achievement within a single sample of emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.

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