Use of the Benchekroun Hydraulic Valve as A Catheterizable Continence Mechanism

Problems with continence and access for catheterization with previous continent stoma techniques have led us to search for an alternate method. We report our initial experience with the Benchekroun hydraulic valve in 9 patients. Five patients underwent creation of an ileocolic bladder: for myelodysplasia in 1, after cystectomy for bladder cancer in 2 and for exstrophy in 2. Two patients underwent conversion from an uncatheterizable Indiana pouch because of exstrophy (1) and interstitial cystitis (1). Two patients underwent small bowel augmentation of a small, poorly compliant bladder with an abdominal Benchekroun stoma: 1 had exstrophy and 1 had myelodysplasia. Patient age ranged from 7 to 63 years. Two patients had de novo creation of an ileocolic bladder, whereas 7 had bladder or previous bowel conduits incorporated in the continent reservoirs. At up to 20 months of followup all patients had diurnal and nocturnal continence, and none had experienced serious long-term complications. Problems were encountered in 5 patients. One patient had a valve fistula that was surgically revised. One patient experienced transient difficulty with catheterization when the reservoir was overdistended and a false passage developed. Three patients had stomal stenosis and require periodic dilation. We believe the Benchekroun hydraulic valve to be a useful adjunct in the construction of a continent urinary reservoir. It is easy to construct, provides reliable continence and is easy to catheterize. Furthermore, it may be applied to standard ileocolic bladders either de novo or as a salvage procedure for failed efferent limbs.