Transition sequence Pr→IF→CF in dielectric substances is dealt with, where Pr, IF, and CF denote prototypic phase, incommensurate ferroic (or distorted) phase, and commensurate ferroic phase, respectively. The transition (or order) parameters are assumed to be two mutually conjugate complex quantities depending only on x, not on y or z. They are denoted by Q(x) and Q*(x). In general, Q(x) can be expressed as a sum of harmonics of the form Qneinhx. Commonly, the lowest harmonic adopted is the first harmonic Q1eihx. In this paper, however, the zeroth harmonic Q0 is taken into account. For simplicity, high harmonics are ignored so that Q(x)=Q0+Q1eihx. Three views of CF are possible, i.e., CF may have {Qωs0, hs=0}, {Q0s0, Q1s=0, hs indefinite}, or {Q0s0, Q1s=0, hs0}, where QωQ0+Q1, and the subscript s means "spontaneous." In the third view, hs is regarded as definite and assumed not to be nearly zero. The first view is conventional, in essence, while the third is new. Three views of Pr are possible, i.e., Pr may have {Qωs=0, hs=0}, {Q0s=0, Q1s=0, hs indefinite}, or {Q0s=0, Q1s=0, hs0}. Only one view of IF is possible, i.e., IF has only {Q0s=0, Q1s0, hs0}. The transition Pr→IF and the imaginary direct transition Pr→CF are assumed to be second order. The temperatures of the respective transitions are denoted by Ttr and Ttr. It is found that if the third views of Pr and CF are adopted, the transitions Pr→IF and Pr→CF are strongly second order, i.e., even hs is continuous at Ttr and Ttr. Let q1|Q1|. Let Φ be the spatially averaged free-energy function. The third views of Pr and CF are thought to be reasonable from the investigation of the T dependence of (2Φq12)s in Pr near Ttr and in CF near Ttr. A full account of this investigation is given.

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