Dielectric critrcal slowing-down in incommensurate-ferroelectric transition point of K 2 SeO 4 and its related material

The complex dielectric constants of K2SeO4 and Rb2ZnCl4 have been measured in the frequency range from 0. 1MHz to 1400MHz around the incommensurate-ferroelectric(commensurate) phase transition point(Tc). For both substances, two kinds of dielectric dispersions have been observed. The dielectric dispersion observed above 50MHz obeys the Cole-Cole's low and the dielectric response shows a critical slowing-down, its relaxation frequencies being about 100MHz at Tc. The origin of this dispersions seems to be related to discommensuration. Another dispersion seen below about 50MHz does not show any critical slowing-down. To make clear the origin of this dispersion, the signal field dependences of dielectric constant have been measured for both substances.

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