Organic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Sensitivity Enhancement by Gold Deposition

Hydrocarbon oligomers, high-molecular-weight polymers, and polymer additives have been covered with 2−60 nmol of gold/cm2 in order to enhance the ionization efficiency for static secondary ion mass spectrometry (s-SIMS) measurements. Au-cationized molecules (up to ∼3000 Da) and fragments (up to the trimer) are observed in the positive mass spectra of metallized polystyrene (PS) oligomer films. Beyond 3000 Da, the entanglement of polymer chains prevents the ejection of intact molecules from a “thick” organic film. This mass limit can be overcome by embedding the polymer chains in a low-molecular-weight matrix. The diffusion of organic molecules over the metal surfaces is also demonstrated for short PS oligomers. In the case of high-molecular-weight polymers (polyethylene, polypropylene, PS) and polymer additives (Irganox 1010, Irgafos 168), the metallization procedure induces a dramatic increase of the fingerprint fragment ion yields as well as the formation of new Au-cationized species that can be used for chemical diagnostics. In comparison with the deposition of submonolayers of organic molecules on metallic surfaces, metal evaporation onto organic samples provides a comparable sensitivity enhancement. The distinct advantage of the metal evaporation procedure is that it can be used for any kind of organic sample, irrespective of thickness, opening new perspectives for “real world” sample analysis and chemical imaging by s-SIMS.