Phenomenological many-body exchange potentials are defined in group-theoretical analogy with the usual 2-body exchange potentials of Heisenberg, Bartlett, and Majorana. The uniform model of Wigner is then extended to include many-body Wigner and Majorana forces. The theory predicts a symmetry energy between neighboring isobars of even-odd nuclei which depends upon whether the isobar of highest Tζ is OE or EO, where OE signifies that the odd number of particles is greater than the even number, and EO signifies the reverse. A comparison is made with such energy differences in Tζ=32 and 12 isobars, taken from β-decay data in the range 15A59. This leads to a rough estimate of the magnitude and sign of the contribution from 3-body potentials. On this basis, the contribution from 3-body potentials is not negligible in comparison with that from 2-body potentials.

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