Hemangioma, supraumbilical midline raphé, and coarctation of the aorta with a right aortic arch: Single causal entity?

Most congenital cutaneous hemangiomas are a sporadic occurrence. Hemangiomas have been found in association with coarctation of the aorta and a right aortic arch. A separate association has been noted of midline ventral defects with hemangiomas. We report on a patient with multiple hemangiomas, coarctation of the aorta and a right aortic arch, a supraumbilical midabdominal raphé and sternal cleft. Our patient represents an overlap between these two conditions. Review of the literature identified four additional patients with a similar combination of anomalies. The clinical overlap between these 5 patients suggests that they are variants of the same condition and represent a spectrum of defects that includes hemangiomas, midline ventral defects, aortic arch abnormalities and brain malformation.