STAR‐HASTE: Perfusion imaging without magnetic susceptibility artifact

A novel magnetic resonance imaging technique (STAR‐HASTE) based on pulsed arterial spin labeling using a single shot acquisition method is described for perfusion imaging. The method is similar to EPISTAR in using STAR (Signal Targeting with Alternating Radiofrequency) technique for pulsed radiofrequency labeling of inflowing blood, but uses a half‐Fourier single shot turbo spin‐echo (HASTE) sequence for data acquisition instead of echo‐planar imaging (EPI). Our preliminary studies show that STAR‐HASTE permits perfusion imaging to be performed without many of the artifacts encountered with other imaging methods based on EPI acquisition. The novel method not only provides similar perfusion information to that obtained by EPISTAR, as demonstrated in the functional brain imaging study, but also eliminates magnetic susceptibility artifacts and image distortion commonly observed in EPI images. Furthermore, this technique can be readily implemented in MR systems without EPI capability.