Transport Mechanics in Systems of Orientable Particles. II. Kinetic Theory of Orientation Specific Transport for Hard-Core Models

The role of orientation and polarization in the transport phenomena of hard‐core polyatomic gases is developed in detail from the standpoint of the Boltzmann equation. A rigorous orientation specific Chapman and Enskog scheme is used to establish linear constitutive relations and anisotropic transport coefficients for orientation‐specific translational and rotational diffusion and for the orientation‐summed fluxes of mass, momentum, and heat. Calculations are reported for the effect of polarization upon the shear viscosity and thermal conductivity tensors of loaded spheres. The anisotropic expressions for rotational and translational thermal diffusion, shear diffusion, and concentration diffusion coefficient tensors are determined for a dilute system of loaded spherocylinders in a bath of rigid spheres. With the use of time reversal invariance, a microscopic reciprocal theorem is established and employed to prove Onsager reciprocal relations among the transport coefficient tensors.