Three highly repetitive DNA components — the common cetacean component, the heavy (GC-rich) satellite and the light (AT-rich) satellite — were studied in the blue whale. Consensus sequences of the common component and the heavy satellite were determined on the basis of three repeats of the common component and eight repeats of the heavy satellite. The tandemly organized common cetacean component, which comprises a large portion of all cetacean — both odontocete (toothed whale) and mysticete (whalebone whale) — genomes has a repeat length of 1,760 bp and the three clones analysed showed a high degree of conformity. The repeat contains a 72 bp sequence with dyad symmetry and striking intrastrand complementarity. The rest of the repeat comprises a unique sequence. The repeat unit of the heavy satellite of the blue whale is 422 bp. Also this component is tandemly organized. About half the length of the repeat constitutes a unique sequence and the other half is made up of subrepeats with TTAGGG as a frequent motif. The light satellite has not been sequenced and its basic repeat unit has not yet been identified. The chromosomal localization of the three components was determined by in situ hybridization using 3H-labelled cloned fragments as probes. The common cetacean component was located in most interstitial and terminal C-bands. The heavy satellite occurred primarily in terminal C-bands. When the two components hybridized to the same terminal C-bands, the localization of the heavy satellite was distal to that of the common cetacean component. Neither component shared localization with the light satellite which is located in centromeric C-bands in just a few chromosome pairs.