Linkage disequilibrium between RFLP haplotype 2 and the affected PAH allele in PKU families from the Berlin area of the German Democratic Republic

Probands from 26 PKU-affected families of the Berlin area were analyzed with respect to the allele frequency distribution of six RFLPs in linkage with the normal and the PKU alleles of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. These investigations confirm most of the RFLP haplotypes observed by Güttler and colleagues in the Danish population and describe two additional ones. They detect no significant differences in the single RFLP or RFLP haplotype distribution on the normal chromosomes in comparison with the Danish families and confirm a prevalent association of the RFLP haplotypes 1,4 and 7 with the normal PAH allele. In contrast to the Danish investigations, in our study the PKU allele is found most frequently linked to haplotype 2, rather then to haplotype 3. In one of our patients we found a substitution of the normal 19-kb MspI fragment by a 13.5- and a 5.5-kb fragment, reported up to now only in one other German family.