Since 1998 South Africa has experienced stability in HIV prevalence among its 15 to 19 year olds, and to a lesser extent among its 20 to 24 year olds. While a few studies point to behavioural change, mainly an increase in condom use, none has established the reasons. This article explores the influence of various information sources about AIDS upon the use of condoms among rural and urban South African young females, using the South Africa Demographic Health Survey of 1998 (1998 SADHS), while controlling for various socioeconomic and cultural parameters. The results show that condom use among urban residents was positively correlated with mass media exposure, television as a source of information about AIDS, and the number of mass media sources from which the respondent received information about AIDS. Condom use among rural residents was associated with the number of sources of information about AIDS, exposure to mass media, and the language and education of the respondent. Among urban residents condom use was almost twice as high as among rural residents. The results from the article indicate that three elements influenced the increase in condom use among females: the threat of AIDS, mass media, and receptiveness to condom use. The receptiveness was culturally dependent.