Structural Sexual Dimorphisms in the Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus of the Rat Hypothalamus Are Sensitive to Gonadal Steroids Perinatally, but Develop Peripubertally

The volume of the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPv) of the rat hypothalamus is larger in females than in males. A preliminary study from this laboratory found that this sexual dimorphism develops between days 30 and 91. The present study was designed to confirm and extend these findings and to determine the role of endogenous gonadal steroids in the development of the AVPv postnatally. The results indicate that the sexual dimorphism in AVPv volume arises between days 30 and 40 and that the length of the nucleus becomes sexually dimorphic between days 60 and 80. Additionally, both AVPv volume and length increased between days 30 and 80 in females. Castration of male rats on the day of birth sex-reversed AVPv volume in adulthood and AVPv length was sex-reversed by castration of males 5 days after birth; ovariectomy of females at these ages had no effect on either parameter. Moreover, in both males and females, AVPv volume and length were unaffected by gonadectomy at later ages. That the AVPv appears to be influenced by testicular hormones neonatally, but changes structurally around the time of puberty in females, clearly challenges current concepts of sexual differentiation that limit the process to the early postnatal period.

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