A correlative microscopical analysis of differentiating ovarian follicles of mammals

The mammalian ovary has been studied by optical microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy with the purpose of presenting an integrated view of the differentiating mammalian follicle. During follicular development, changes in the granulosa cells are particularly noteworthy and include dramatic modifications in cell shape coincident with antrum formation. The cytoplasmic processes of those granulosa cells immediately surrounding the oocyte, as well as the more peripheral granulosa cells comprising a second and third layer, traverse the zona pellucida, infrequently interdigitate with the microvilli of the egg, and make both desmosomal and gap junction contacts with the oocyte. The zona pellucida is thus distinguished by numerous fenestrations of varying diameters. The membrana limitans (basal lamina) is a bipartite structure composed of (a) a homogeneous stratum upon which the peripheral layer of granulosa cells rests, and (b) an outer region of collagen‐like fibers. The specific advantages and limitations of the different methodologies utilized to study folliculo‐genesis are discussed.