Stabilized frequency comb with a self-referenced femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser

A frequency comb is generated with a Cr:forsterite femtosecond laser, spectrally broadened through a highly nonlinear optical fiber to span from 1.0to2.2μm, and stabilized using the f- to -2f self-referencing technique. The repetition rate and the carrier-envelope offset frequency are stabilized to a hydrogen maser, calibrated by a cesium atomic fountain clock. Simultaneous frequency measurement of a 657-nm cw laser by use of the stabilized frequency combs from this Cr:forsterite system and a Ti:sapphire laser agree at the 1013 level. The frequency noise of the comb components is observed at 1064, 1314, and 1550nm by comparing the measured beat frequencies between cw lasers and the supercontinuum frequency combs.