The Role of Oxygen in the Regulation of Nitrogenase Activity in Drought-Stressed Soybean Nodules

The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of nitrogenase inhibition in drought-stressed soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules to determine whether this stress was similar to other inhibitory treatments (e.g. detopping) known to cause an O2 limitation of nodule metabolism. Nodulated soybean plants were either detopped or subjected to mild, moderate, or severe drought stress by growth in different media and by withholding water for different periods. All treatments caused a decline in nitrogenase activity, and in the drought-stressed nodules, the decline was correlated with more negative nodule water potentials. Increases in rhizosphere O2 concentration stimulated nitrogenase activity much more in detopped plants than in drought-stressed plants, reflecting a greater degree of O2 limitation with the detopped treatment than with the drought-stressed treatment. These results indicated that drought stress differs from many other inhibitory treatments, such as detopping, in that its primary cause is not a decrease in nodule permeability and a greater O2 limitation of nodule metabolism. Rather, drought stress seems to cause a decrease in the maximum O2-sufficient rate of nodule respiration or nitrogenase activity, and the changes in nodule permeability reported to occur in drought-stressed nodules may be a response to elevated O2 concentrations in the infected cell that may occur as nodule respiration declines.